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Canning Street Primary School

Canning StreetPrimary School

Working together. Building ambitions. Achieving our dreams.

Headteacher's Welcome

 Thank you for visiting our website; we hope you find everything you need within these pages. Canning Street is a large, multi-cultural and highly inclusive school situated in the West End of Newcastle upon Tyne. We are very proud of the community we serve and the diversity within our families. With over 40 first languages spoken, we make all new starters feel welcome and safe, while we look to our longer attending children to show off their exemplary behaviour and kind attitudes. 
At Canning Street, our curriculum is centred on high quality novels, which inspire children and open their minds to possibilities and adventures. Our foundation subjects involve plenty of hands-on, practical experiences, giving children memorable learning experiences and helping to deepen understanding. 
For children arriving at Canning Street from abroad or at the early stages of learning English, we ensure they are quickly able to learn the necessary skills to access learning - either within an Early English class, or with targeted interventions. We pride ourselves that every child at Canning Street is able to reach their full potential. 
If you would like to learn more about our exciting school, please contact us - we would be very happy to tell you more.
Mrs K. Herron - Headteacher