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Canning Street Primary School

Canning StreetPrimary School

Working together. Building ambitions. Achieving our dreams.

Year 2 - Materials

In science, Year 2 are really enjoying learning about everyday materials and their properties. So far we have looked at solids, liquids and gases and sorted different objects based on which category they would fit into.

We have investigated which solids can change shape. We really enjoyed using playdough to help us see that, even though an object is a solid, we can still change its shape. We also looked at other materials to see if they can change shape and begun to use the vocabulary rigid and flexible.

We are aiming to use suitable materials to create our own Pinocchio and we have begun investigating which materials would be best for his arms and legs and his body. We know that his arms and legs need to be flexible so we tested materials and ranked them based on their flexibility. For his body, we know it needs to be strong so we tested materials to see how much weight they can hold.

Please check back on our blog to see the children’s Pinocchio that they make.
