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Canning Street Primary School

Canning StreetPrimary School

Working together. Building ambitions. Achieving our dreams.

What WE do to help your child's reading

The skill of reading is modelled and promoted in every lesson at Canning Street. Furthermore, every single class has a golden 15 minutes at the end of the day in order for the class to enjoy a story together. Here are some of the ways we support your children in their reading journeys:

Shared Reading: This is a carefully structured lesson that is taught three times a week in ALL classes. This allows children to share and analyse a challenging text, while learning and practising the keys skills of reading, such as deduction and inference.

One to One Reading: In ALL classes, all children read on a 1:1 basis with an adult weekly. Our skilled support assistants know how to extend children's thinking and support their understanding.

Phonics Lessons: ALL classes in years 2 and below have a daily phonics session. Phonics are the sounds that help us read and build words. Our staff are highly trained in delivering phonics. 

Author Visits: We are sometimes lucky enough to be visited by published authors. They come and speak to us about their inspiration and ideas, which our children always love. We would love to see a Canning Street child publish a book one day....

Caught Reading Raffle: Those of you who have been here a while may remember our Caught Reading Raffle, which rewarded children who chose to read for pleasure. We will very soon be introducing our new and updated version of this.....Caught Reading at Home! We are introducing this to celebrate families who read together and log their sessions in children's Home Reading Log. Look out for prizes and certificates in the near future....